Making Lifting Easy with the LIGO Electric Lift MTL-100FD [Card News]

실시간 키워드

2022.08.01 00:00 기준

Making Lifting Easy with the LIGO Electric Lift MTL-100FD [Card News]

시선뉴스 2025-03-20 09:32:53 신고

(Design-Kim Sunhee) Delivering convenience and efficiency to the logistics market!

An electric lift is an essential tool for efficiently handling tasks in environments with varying heights while moving products.

As a fully electric premium model, it offers the best performance in its class. Uniquely, it is the only model in its category capable of fully electric operation with a 1-ton capacity.

Lifting and lowering—all done with a single button!

For workers struggling with back pain and fatigue from repetitive tasks, the LIGO Electric Lift might be a game-changer.

It also boasts the best-in-class lifting height, reaching up to an impressive 1,500mm.

The LIGO Electric Lift is built with a robust frame and a precision hydraulic cylinder structure, ensuring exceptional durability.

Why not use the LIGO Electric Lift to help prevent musculoskeletal disorders?

Copyright ⓒ 시선뉴스 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

실시간 키워드

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